Tuesday 9 September 2014

Monument Valley

Day 51 of the trip saw us take a trip to Monument Valley.

Monument Valley itself is very impressive and some of the formations are amazing. Unfortunately it is very isolated and our hotel was located in a town where everything closed by 7.30pm - not great for a Saturday night! Nonetheless, the views we saw during our time more than made up for the poor evening entertainment....

A 180 degree panoramic view of part of Monument Valley

Dave in a 180 degree panoramic view of some of the formations in Death Valley

Dave searches on the camera for the setting to create the above shots

Me with some of the formations in the background

The formations above in black and white and without me present - a nice effect

Further formations within Monument Valley

Another formation, this one was just before the proper 'Monument Valley' park area

These formations were located outside the valley itself but are none the less very impressive

Further monuments within Monument Valley

A substantial monument in the valley

Another good formation from the valley

This shot was taken just outside the valley itself

....And Finally

On our way to Phoenix we saw this car which appears to have over sized tyres - we surmised that the owner may be large ('a tank') and so require heavy duty tyres to support them in the car

We also saw a road with an interesting name...

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