Monday 15 September 2014

Joshua Tree

The final stop on the second leg of our tour was at the Joshua Tree National Park, which was primarily picked due to its location between Phoenix and Los Angeles that broke the car journey up nicely.

"Lou Carpenter"

The hotel we stayed in was located in Palm Springs and it housed a look-a-like of Lou Carpenter off Australian soap Neighbours. Sadly our conversation with this gentlemen indicated he was not Australian, did not have a friend named Harold and was not now or at any stage in the recent past in a love triangle over a woman named Madge. However, he was an all round nice gent although a little on the talkative side...

Sadly we did not get a picture of this gentlemen, but he looked very much like this gent but with a little less hair on top...

 Joshua Tree National Park

The Joshua Tree National Park was set aside to preserve what is considered the best representations of the high Mojave Desert and the low Colorado Desert. The park was surprisingly cool (relatively) with temperatures of around 30 to 35 Celsius.  The Joshua Tree is home to many impressive rock formations...

Me in front of one of the more impressive formations

Dave in place of my in the above shot

A typical view of the Joshua Tree National Park, featuring one of the rock formations

Another rock formation

Another rock formation

Saddle Rock, one of the more impressive rock formations. This rock is particularly popular with rock climbers

Another nice formation

Dave atop of a fairly tall rock after displaying some "mountain goat" like climbing skills.

Another view of the rock formation

More rocks...

Dave accompanied by some rocks

Me accompanied by some other rocks

A further rock formation

...And Finally

We recorded 45C when travelling in to the national park - amongst the highest temperatures we experienced during the trip

And so part two (the South West corner) is over. The final part (Florida) awaits!

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