Saturday 6 September 2014

Grand Canyon

Our first stop after Vegas was the Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona, consider by many to be one of the Seven Wonders of the World. I don't think either me or Dave would argue with it being on the list...

Our time in the Grand Canyon was split between a helicopter tour, a jeep ground tour and an IMAX film about the Grand Canyon.

Helicopter Tour

Dave's share of the helicopter tour was kindly paid for by Reads as part of his leaving present - unfortunately the other part of his leaving present, the "Reads & Co 2" case, did not make it along with us due to baggage limitations. None the less here are the pictures from the tour, which was an amazing experience...

The helicopter tour took in part of the North part of the Canyon.

Dave prepares to board the helicopter, he insists he's not pissed - he just wasn't expecting a picture at that exact moment!!!

Dave outside the helicopter

Me outside the helicopter

The control board of the helicopter. Dave and I had seats next to the pilot which gave us the best views on the helicopter

Me next to the pilot. It was thought best not to have Dave sit next to the pilot in case he caused some sort of electrical malfunction.

Dave sat in the helicopter

The approach to the Grand Canyon was covered in woodland

The Canyon, as viewed from above

Another shot of the Canyon

And another, this time featuring the river running along the bottom

The rim of the Canyon

Further views of the Canyon

Another view of................................ yes, you guessed it, the Canyon

Further Canyon view

A wide shot of the Canyon

Jeep Tour

The other picture opportunity of the day came from a two hour Jeep tour that covered a small stretch of the south rim of the Canyon.

Me and Dave sitting on the South Rim of the canyon, in the distance you can see the North Rim

A view of the Canyon from the South Rim. The North Rim is opposite

Further view of the Canyon, the North Rim is again in the background

Close up of the valley

Another view of the valley, featuring the 2 'Battleships' in the foreground on top of the first ridge and to the centre and left

View of the Canyon

Me with the Canyon in the background

More formations that are in the Canyon. The light coloured rock is limestone

The wildlife in the canyon includes Elk. In this picture you can see a female sitting on the ground

A bull elk can be seen here. Note the impressive horns

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