Monday 25 August 2014

San Francisco

We spent two days (three nights) in San Francisco and this post covers both days. There was lots to do so it was one of the busiest few days on the trip so far...

Our hotel in San Fran was unfortunately located in the South of the city which is full of homeless people, areas that had a strong stench of piss, and needles scattered across the ground in several areas. Really not the nicest. Luckily the majority of the tourist attractions are in the North of the city which is much nicer.


One of the highlights of the trip was the visit to Alcatraz Island, home to Alcatraz Prison, one of the most infamous prisons in America, between 1934 and 1963. The prison closed due to the high maintenance cost of the facility. The Island is now open to tourists who can tour the island and take a tour of the former prison.

View of Alcatraz Island from the ferry

View of Alcatraz from the ferry. The prison is the rectangular building at the top of the picture

The water tower on the island. The tower also has some graffiti from an occupation of the island by Native Americans in the late 1960s. The island was occupied in protest at federal policies in respect of Native Indian Americans   

This building was originally a morgue used to store bodies of any inmates or people who died on the island before they were picked up by boat. Latterly boat schedules increased so a morgue was not needed and the room was used to house a poer generator.

This is the area in which prisoners laundry was held. It is in the basement of the prison

This John looks like it could use some attention...

The shower area, now used as a point for tourists to pick up a free audio tour of the facility

The corridors containing the cells of the prison

A typical cell - which is 9ft (long) by 5ft (wide) by 7ft (tall) - not very big!

A cell from D block, where inmates were held as punishment. Note that these cells are less comfortable than the typical cells above.

The visitation area for prisoners

A visitation point. The glass is double layered and made communication very difficult

The uniforms worn by Prison Officers

View of the San Francisco skyline from Alcatraz

The lighthouse on Alcatraz Island, located at the end of the prison

The prison control room.

Dave - under arrest for smells against humanity

Me - under arrest for abandoning ship and breaking the John in the prison.

A cell, furnished in line with items that prisoners typically owned

The recreation yard, once filled with prisoners playing handball and baseball, now filled with bird shit!!!

View of the Prison from the recreation yard

The island is also home to lots of wildlife, including a Seagull mother and chick pictured here

Golden Gate Bridge

The Golden Gate Bridge is the iconic suspension bridge that links the city of San Francisco to the mainland. The bridge is arguably the most recognisable symbols of San Francisco.

The Golden Gate Bridge viewed from the San Francisco city side

The bridge viewed from afar

Another view of the bridge

Another view of the bridge, this time guest starring Dave

Yet another view of the bridge, guest starring me

The start of the bridge

The structure of the bridge is mightily impressive

View of Alcatraz Island from the bridge

View of San Francisco from the bridge

Lombard Street

Lombard Street is an iconic East-West street that has a steep one-block section that consists of 8 tight hairpin turns.

View of Lombard Street from a far, highlighting how it twists and turns. The street leading up to Lombard itself is amazingly steep. It is the steepest road I've ever walked up and gave the old calves a proper burn!!!!

Lombard Street from up close, including cars travelling down the street

The gardens are very impressive and well maintained

Lombard Street as viewed from half way up. This shot also features a car with an owner that loves San Francisco

The view down from Lombard Street

View from the base of Lombard street looking outwards

Coit Tower

The Coit Tower is a 210 foot (64 m) tower located in the North of San Francisco. The tower was built in 1933 and offers some great views of the city.

The Coit Tower, which is built in an art deco style from reinforced concrete

The viewing deck at the top of the tower

View of the San Fran skyline

View of the docklands and Angel Island

More of the docks

View down from the tower showing the hilly streets of San Francisco

The San Francisco city

The Golden Gate Bridge
Alcatraz Island

View of the circular car park at the base of the tower

The best view from the tower had to be the Port-a-John though...

Golden Gate National Recreation Area

We also got the car out and drove up to the Golden Gate National Park area, which is home to some stunning scenery...

The Golden Gate Park viewed from the car. The roads in the park featured many twists and turns as you can see here!

More of the National Park

The forestry of the National Park was something to behold

Stinson Beach, which was a very clean beach. In fact the beach is one of the cleanest and sandiest in California

Me on the beach with my feet in the Pacific Ocean

Dave with his feet in the Pacific Ocean

...And Finally

Sea lions at Pier 39 - its fair to say they're not short of a sea lion in San Fran!

We also visited some Japanese Tea Gardens

Me in the Japanese Tea Garden looking disgusted after no paper towels were available in the John, after spending $7 to get in I expected more!!!

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