Sunday 17 August 2014

Boston - Day Three

Day three was a more chilled effect due to the upcoming travels we had the following day (driving to New York and then flying to Los Angeles, and due to the odd tipple the night before.  The main event on this day was a TV & Movie tour...

L Street Tavern in Boston, those of you familiar with the film Good Will Hunting will remember the bar as it is featured with Ben Affleck, Matt Damon and Millie Driver when Ben Affleck's character tells the joke about his uncle. Its in a district of Boston called Southie (South Boston) which is predominantly Irish. Apparently the cast, including Robin Williams, came to the bar to check out whether it would be suitable for the film, immediately fell in love with it and Robin Williams spent the rest of the night entertaining the locals with jokes and impressions. The owner of the bar had only just bought the bar when it was used for the film and know makes quite a bit of money from tourists coming to view the bar.  
Inside the bar on the table used in the film, the owners have a collection of photos dedicated to the success of the film which won 2 Academy Awards, well worth a watch for those of you who haven't seen it yet!!

The owner of the bar had become good friends with Robin Williams, paying tribute to the late Robin Williams.

Here he is, another photo inside the bar.

and another

Another photo of the tributes to Robin Williams.

Boston port, as taken from the bus. This is the dock where cruise liners come in which will be of some note to Eileen and Keith who will see this again in October, hopefully in somewhat better weather

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