Sunday 10 August 2014

Drive to Boston

Day 23 of the trip was upon us and it was part two of our drive to Boston...

Pictures of the drive

View of the city of Schenectady. We stayed just outside of the city on our trip down to Boston

168 miles to Boston...

Road sign welcoming us to Massachusetts, the state in New England where Boston is located

Springfield is also apparently located between Schenectady and Boston - who knew!

Views of the landscape we experienced during the route to Boston. It was arguably the most interesting we have seen on any of the drives so far

View of the road ahead highlighting the amount of forest we drove through

A texting stop - a new one on me! Quite bizarre that it is literally a car park, no toilets or shops...


View of the sea port located right next to our hotel. Picture is taken from the hotel window

...And Finally

The hair product for the mature gentleman a.k.a Matt - Head & Shoulders with Old Spice. What will they think of next!!!

No its not Matt's interview at the local Morrisons bakery, he's preparing to have a shower with the Old Spice ready to go

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