Friday 8 August 2014

Niagara Falls

Day 22 of the trip saw us visit Niagara Falls as part of our journey to our next big destination, Boston which we arrive at on Sunday.

We took the pictures below from the Canadian side and from the Hornblower boat tour that goes beneath the falls.

Niagara Falls comprises 3 individual waterfalls, the American Falls, the Bridal Veil Falls and the Horseshoe Falls (the most famous).

Hoseshoe Falls (also known as Canadian Falls)

Me and Dave on the boat as it enters into the basin of the Horseshoe Falls preparing to fumigate a house...

The view of the Horseshow Falls from the land, also featuring my arms

View of the Horseshoe Falls from the boat

View showing how close the boat goes to the Horseshoe

American Falls

View of the American Falls (left) and the Bridal Veil Falls (smaller fall to the right) from the land

View of the American Falls from the boat

View showing how close to the falls the boat goes

View from the boat

Further view from the boat

Bridal Veil Falls

View of the Bridal Veil Fall from the boat

Bridge over the River Niagara

View of one of the many bridges that connects Canada and Australia - the American Falls cannot be seen but is on the right of this shot

...And Finally

A squirrel in the parkland area that surrounds the falls area 

The 'Captain' prepares for another shipping company audit...

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