Tuesday 29 July 2014

Washington D.C. - Day Four

The final thing we did in Washington D.C. was to visit the museum of American History and to see the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence - all of which were very interesting, but all of which resulted in no pictures....

Therefore Day Four's post comprises the views taken from the Washington Monument on the evening of Day Three...

View of the Monument from the outside - we went to the area with the windows that you can see the near the tip

The golden elevator that took us to the tip

View to the West, the circular area is the World War 2 Memorial, the rectangular area of water is the reflecting pool and at the end is the Lincoln Memorial

View to the East, the Capitol building is at the end of the green area known as the National Mall

View to the South. The white building with the domed top is the Thomas Jefferson Memorial

View to the North, which includes the White House

Zoomed in view of the White House

View looking directly down from the tip of the Monument. The small dots are people....

An idea of the relative size of the Monument, which seems huge in Washington D.C. and stands at 50 storeys high or 555ft high


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