Tuesday 29 July 2014

Cedar Point

So, day eleven of the trip was upon is and it was a bit of a change from the recent sight-seeing events of New York and Washington D.C....

It was the first of the many theme parks. This one is a self proclaimed "roller coaster capital of the world" - and we agree this is a fair tag. It houses some of the best rides either of us have ever been on...

The entrance, with one of the many coasters in the background

A nice picture of the American flag taken opposite the above welcome sign


GateKeeper roller coaster, a wing coaster which is 170 ft high and goes at speeds up to 67 mph - a good ride

Power Tower (left), a speed drop ride which drops riders from 240 ft at 50 mph
Top Thrill Dragster (right), a coaster that propels riders at 120 mph with a drop of 400 ft (by comparison, the "Pepsi Max" or "Big One" rollercoaster at Blackpool is around 200 ft tall). The coaster accelerates from 0-120 in 3.8 seconds, and generates 10,000 horsepower, to put that in perspective, the average dragster generates 6,000 horsepower - Dave believes this is the best coaster he's ever ridden

Raptor, an inverted roller coaster with 6 inversions, a long ride coming in at 2m 16s

Mean Streak, one of the tallest (161ft) and fastest (65mph) wooden rollercoasters in the world, opened in 1991
 Millennium Force is the ride picture in the two pictures below, it is considered one of the best coasters in the world. It features a drop of 300 ft, travels at speeds of 93 mph and lasts 2m 20 s.

Petting Zoo

Dave has an obsession with petting zoos, and theme parks usually contain one of these (quite why I do not know). Cedar Point was no exception...

Dave getting involved with a sheep of some sort...

Dave and a Llama getting acquainted

A goat sporting a chin patch. Dave unfortunately refuses to try to match this, although I believe he would have a good shout...
And finally...

A view of Lake Eerie from Cedar Point, one of the five great lakes in North America. One of the many excellent views from the theme park

An amusing sign of some significance to Dave's family

Our stay in Norwalk, Ohio comes to an end tomorrow with our visit of Cedar Point complete. We're off to Chicago next - a 4.5 hour drive awaits!

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