Wednesday 30 July 2014

Drive to Chicago

Day twelve of the trip was upon us and it was the drive from Cedar Point to Chicago, the "Windy City"....

The preparation

Dave prepares for the long drive ahead

The drive

A view of the Ohio countryside

Two bikers riding Harley Davidson's

A slogan on the back of an HGV

ALDI is even in America...

The blockage

No, the Reads' urinal hasn't been blocked again by tissue, two trucks block the motorway here going an identical speed for about 10 minutes restricting the highway speed to 60mph...

The view

View of the Chicago skyline on the drive to the hotel

The finale

A big hello to the David family who we met in Cedar Point - we hope you had a good trip out and a safe journey home...

We also saw our first change in time zone here in the US, as we moved from Eastern time (UK time - 5 hours) to Central time (UK time - 6 hours)

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