Tuesday 29 July 2014

Random Look-a-likes

In the past few days we have come across two look-a-likes...

Can you tell what it is yet??? No its not Rolf Harris, which would be some sort of minor miracle, but some random guy we met in a bar, nice chap but too loud!!!!

Brian Blessed
Full picture

Zoomed in
Could it be??? Admittedly we both got a bit bored during the gruelling 7 hour drive from Washington DC up to Norwalk, Ohio. But this chap caught our attentions, with a striking resemblance to Brian Blessed (see below for those who don't know who this is). What's more impressive is this picture as taken on the interstate, it's quite difficult to catch a picture with any sort of clarity at 75mph, so we both consider this a minor success.

The real deal, courtesy of Wikipedia

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